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Privacy policy of Murrelektronik GmbH

Welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in our company. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We process your data in accordance with the applicable legal provisions for the protection of personal data, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the local laws applicable to us. With the help of this data protection declaration, we inform you comprehensively about the processing of your personal data by the company Murrelektronik GmbH, Office Park 4, 4.OG/Top A.45, 1300 Wien-Flughafen, AUSTRIA and the rights to which you are entitled.

This data protection declaration applies to all of our company's websites that can be accessed under our domains (https://www.murrelektronik.si, https://shop.murrelektronik.at/en) as well as to our fan pages in the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, YouTube, Instagram). If you switch to websites of other operators within the scope of our offer, their own data protection provisions apply in each case, for the content of which the respective operators of these websites are responsible.

If separate or additional conditions apply to individual services or if we ask you for your consent, we will inform you separately before you use the respective service (e.g. for the newsletter subscription or the purchase in our online shop).

We also take a wide range of security measures to protect your personal data. For example, the transmission between your web browser and our servers is always encrypted; in addition, we maintain a large number of technical and organizational measures to protect your data at all times.

Personal data is information that makes it possible to identify a natural person. This includes in particular: name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address but also your IP address.

Anonymous data exists when no personal reference to the user can be established.

Responsible according to Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR and contact details of the data protection officer

Murrelektronik GmbH
Office Park 4, 4.OG/Top A.45
1300 Wien-Flughafen

Tel: +43 1 706 45 25-0
Fax: +43 1 706 45 25-300
E-Mail: info@murrelektronik.si

Contact of the data protection officer: info@murrelektronik.at

Your rights as a data subject

First of all, we would like to inform you about your rights as a data subject, Art. 15 – 22 GDPR. This includes:

  • The right to information (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • The right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • The right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR),
  • The right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR),
  • The right to restriction of data processing (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • The right to object to data processing (Art. 21 GDPR).
  • The right to withdraw consent (Art. 7 (3) GDPR).

Contact details

To exercise these rights, please contact: info@murrelektronik.at. The same applies if you have questions about data processing in our company. Likewise, please direct the revocation of your consent, stating which declaration of consent you wish to revoke, to the contact details above. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.

Rights of objection

Please note the following in connection with rights of objection:

If we process your personal data for the purpose of direct advertising, you have the right to object to this data processing at any time without giving reasons. This also applies to profiling insofar as it is related to direct advertising.

If you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes. The objection is free of charge and can be made form-free, if possible to: info@murrelektronik.at

If we process your data to protect legitimate interests, you may object to this processing at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

We will then no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Right of withdrawal

If you have allowed us to process your personal data by giving your consent, you have a right of revocation with effect for the future pursuant to Art. 7 (3) GDPR.

Purposes and legal bases of data processing

When processing your personal data, we comply with the provisions of the GDPR and all other applicable data protection laws and regulations. Legal bases for data processing result from Art. 6 GDPR.

We use your data to initiate business, to fulfil contractual and legal obligations, to implement the contractual relationship, to offer products and services and to strengthen the customer relationship, which may also include analyses for marketing purposes and direct advertising.

Your consent also constitutes a permission requirement under data protection law. Here we will inform you about the purposes of the data processing and about your right of revocation. If the consent also refers to the processing of special categories of personal data, we will explicitly point this out to you in the consent.

Processing of special categories of personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 (1) GDPR only takes place if this is required by legal provisions and there is no reason to assume that your legitimate interest in the exclusion of the processing outweighs this.

Data transfer to third parties

We will only pass on your data to third parties within the framework of the statutory provisions, with the corresponding consent, or if there is an overriding legitimate interest on our part. Otherwise, we will not disclose your data to third parties unless we are obliged to do so by mandatory legal provisions (disclosure to external bodies, such as supervisory authorities or law enforcement agencies).

Recipients of the data / categories of recipients

Within our company, we ensure that only those persons receive your data who need them to fulfil their tasks.

In many cases, service providers support our specialist departments in the fulfilment of their tasks. The necessary data protection contracts have been concluded with all service providers.

Third country transfer

We transfer your personal data to service providers or group companies outside the European Economic Area: Switzerland, USA, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, India, China, South Korea and Singapore.

Data is only transferred to third countries (outside the European Union or the European Economic Area) if this is necessary for the performance of a contractual relationship, is required by law or you have given us your consent.

Compliance with the level of data protection is ensured by a recognized level of data protection and EU standard contractual clauses.

Storage period of the data

We store your data as long as it is needed for the respective processing purpose. Please note that numerous retention periods require that data must continue to be stored. This applies in particular to statutory retention obligations (e.g. from the German Commercial Code or the German Fiscal Code, etc.). If there are no further storage obligations, the data will be deleted once the purpose has been achieved.

In addition, we may retain data if you have given us permission to do so or if there is a legal dispute and we use evidence under statutory limitation periods, which can be up to thirty years; the regular limitation period is three years.

Storage beyond the achievement of the purpose also takes place if another exception pursuant to Art. 17 (3) GDPR applies.

Secure transfer of your data

In order to protect the data stored with us in the best possible way against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons, we use appropriate technical and organizational security measures. The security levels are continuously reviewed in cooperation with security experts and adapted to new security standards.

The data exchange from and to our website is encrypted. We offer HTTPS as the transmission protocol for our website, in each case using the current encryption protocols. In addition, we offer our users content encryption for contact forms and applications. The decryption of this data is only possible for us. (There is also the option of using alternative communication channels (e.g. the postal service).

Provision of the data

Various personal data are necessary for the establishment, implementation and termination of the contractual relationship and the fulfilment of the associated contractual and legal obligations. The same applies to the use of our website and the various functions it provides.

We have summarized the details for you in the point above. In certain cases, data must also be collected or made available due to legal requirements. Please note that it is not possible to process your enquiry or implement the underlying contractual relationship without providing this data.

Categories, sources and origin of data

Which data we process is determined by the respective context: this depends on whether, for example, you place an order online or enter an enquiry in our contact form, whether you send us an application or submit a complaint.

Please note that we may also provide information for special processing situations separately in a suitable place, e.g. when uploading application documents or in the case of a contact request.

When you visit our website, we collect and process the following data:

  • Information about the website from which you are visiting us
  • Web browser and operating system used
  • The IP address assigned by your Internet Service Provider.
  • Files requested, amount of data transferred, downloads/file export
  • Information about the web pages you visit on our site including date and time
  • For reasons of technical security (to defend against attempted attacks on our web server), this data is stored in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. After 7 days at the latest, anonymization takes place by shortening the IP address so that no further reference to the user can be made.

Contact form / contact by e-mail (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) and c) GDPR)

There are contact forms on our website that can be used for electronic contact. If you write to us via one of these contact forms, we will process the data you provide in the respective contact form to contact you and answer your questions and requests.

The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed in that you only have to provide the data that we absolutely need to contact you. Please refer to the following list to see which data is collected and processed for which contact form. In addition, your IP address is processed due to technical necessity and for legal protection. All other data are voluntary fields and can be provided optionally (e.g. to answer your questions individually).

If you contact us by e-mail, we will process the personal data provided in the e-mail solely for the purpose of processing your enquiry. If you do not use the forms offered for contacting us, no further data collection will take place.

We collect and process the following data within the scope of a contact enquiry:

  • Salutation
  • First name (depending on the query, a mandatory field for a personalized address)
  • Last name (depending on the query, a mandatory field for a personalized address)
  • E-mail (mandatory field to enable a contact request)
  • Company (depending on the query, a mandatory field for the assignment to your contact person)
  • Country (depending on the query, a mandatory field for the assignment to your branch)
  • Postcode (depending on the query, a mandatory field for the assignment to your contact person)
  • City (Depending on the query, a mandatory field for the assignment to your contact person)
  • Telephone number (mandatory field if contact by telephone is required, e.g. for supplier applications)
  • Problem description
  • Request (depending on the query, a mandatory field in order to be able to process the request)
  • Legal form
  • Street (mandatory field if postal contact is required, e.g. for supplier applications)
  • Contact
  • Department
  • Year of foundation
  • Turnover in the previous year
  • Number of employees
  • Reference customers
  • Subsidiary
  • Production sites
  • Certification
  • Product range
  • Type of production
  • Delivery and data exchange

We process the following data as part of the ordering process:

  • E-mail address
  • Salutation
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Department (optional)
  • Company
  • VAT ID
  • Delivery address (street, house number, postcode, city, country)
  • Billing address (street, house number, postcode, city, country)
  • Telephone (optional)
  • Fax (optional)

In the context of setting up a customer account, we process the following data

  • Customer number (optional)
  • E-mail address
  • Password
  • Salutation
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Department (optional)
  • Company
  • VAT ID
  • Address (street, house number, postcode, city, country)
  • E-mail address of invoice recipient (optional)
  • Telephone (optional)
  • Fax (optional)

Newsletter (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR)

You can subscribe to a free newsletter on our website. The e-mail address provided during the newsletter registration, the name of the company, the ZIP, your country, as well as your first and last name (if provided) and your gender (salutation) (if provided) will be used for sending the personalized newsletter.

The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed, as only the e-mail address (or name in the case of personalized newsletters), company, ZIP and country is marked as a mandatory field. For technical necessity and for legal protection, your IP address is also processed when you order the newsletter.

To confirm your email address and your consent, you will receive a separate email after submitting the registration form (confirmation email). We will only register your consent once you have confirmed the activation link contained in this email. Otherwise, your data provided via the registration form will be deleted after a further short reminder after one week and after a further 2 weeks. By confirming your registration under this activation link, you consent to us, as the owner of this e-mail address, sending you the free newsletter with information about the company and our own services and products.

You can of course unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe option provided in the newsletter (by clicking on the unsubscribe link) and thus revoke your consent. Furthermore, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time directly via our website, by sending a written message to Murrelektronik GmbH, Office Park 4, 4.OG/Top A.45, 1300 Wien-Flughafen, AUSTRIA or by e-mail to info@murrelektronik.at.

If you withdraw your consent, we will remove your email from the newsletter distribution list so that the newsletter is no longer sent to you and delete the usage data collected about you. The data records proving the double opt-in procedure, as well as the revocation of your consent, will then be stored for another 6 years in accordance with Art. 17 Para. 3 lit. b), e) GDPR. During this time, however, your personal data will be blocked against further processing We use Pardot to send our newsletter. Your data will therefore be transmitted to Pardot LLC. In doing so, Pardot LLC is prohibited from using your data for purposes other than sending the newsletter. Pardot LLC is not permitted to pass on or sell your data.

Newsletter usage analysis

Our newsletter contains tracking pixels. A tracking pixel is an invisible graphic in HTML emails with the purpose of enabling a log file recording when the email is opened as well as a recording of the links activated from the newsletter with subsequent analysis. This enables us to evaluate the success of our newsletter campaigns by means of statistical evaluations and to optimize our newsletter, for example, in order to present you with topics and offers that are better suited to your interests.

The personal data collected in this way will be processed by our service provider mentioned below.

If you do not agree to this, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time via this link: https://go.murrelektronik.com/odjava_od_prejemanja_novic_podjetja_murrelektronik

Recipient of the data: Pardot LLC, 950 E. Paces Ferry Rd. Suite 3300 Atlanta, GA 30326, USA

Web shop (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR)

  1. We process the data you provide in the order form only for the purpose of implementing or processing the contractual relationship, unless you consent to further use.
    The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed in that you only have to provide us with the data that we absolutely need to execute the contract or to fulfil our contractual obligations (i.e. your name, address, e-mail address, delivery address) or which we are legally obliged to collect.
    In addition, your IP address is processed due to technical necessity and for legal protection. Without this data, we will unfortunately have to refuse to conclude the contract, as we will then not be able to do so or may have to terminate an existing contract. Of course, you can also provide more data if you wish.
  2. To process your order, we work together with the service provider(s) listed below, who support us in whole or in part in the execution of concluded contracts. Certain personal data is transmitted to these service providers in accordance with the following information.
    The personal data collected by us will be passed on to the transport company commissioned with the delivery as part of the contract processing, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of the goods. We pass on your payment data to the commissioned credit institution within the scope of payment processing, insofar as this is necessary for payment processing. If payment service providers are used, we will inform you explicitly about this below. The legal basis for the transfer of data is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR.
  3. To fulfil our contractual obligations to our customers, we work together with external shipping partners. We pass on your name as well as your delivery address and, if necessary for the delivery, your telephone number to a shipping partner selected by us exclusively for the purposes of the delivery of goods Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.
  4. Carrying out creditworthiness checks
    - KSV 1870:
    If we make advance payments (e.g. delivery on account), we reserve the right to carry out a credit check on the basis of mathematical-statistical procedures in order to safeguard our legitimate interest in determining the solvency of our customers. We transmit the personal data required for a credit assessment to the following service provider in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR:
    KSV 1870
    Wagenseilgasse 12
    A-1120 Wien
    The credit report may contain probability values (so-called score values). Insofar as score values are included in the result of the credit report, they have their basis in a scientifically recognized mathematical-statistical procedure. The calculation of the score values includes, but is not limited to, address data. We use the result of the credit assessment with regard to the statistical probability of non-payment for the purpose of deciding on the establishment, implementation or termination of a contractual relationship. You can object to this processing of your data at any time by sending a message to us or to the credit agency. However, we may still be entitled to process your personal data if this is necessary for the contractual processing of payments.

Registration / customer account (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, b GDPR)

On our website, we offer users the opportunity to register by providing personal data. The advantage of this is that you can view your order history and the data you provide for the order form is saved. This means that you do not have to re-enter this information when placing a new order.

The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed, as only the data required for registration is marked with an asterisk (*). These are, for example, the e-mail address and password including password repetition.

For the order in our online shop, we also require information on the billing address (company, address) for delivery. If the delivery address differs from the invoice address, the above information for the delivery address must also be provided.

By registering on our website, the user's IP address, the date and time of registration are also stored (technical background data). By clicking the "Register now" button, you consent to the processing of your data.

Please note: The password you enter is stored in encrypted form. Employees of our company cannot read this password. They can therefore not give you any information if you have forgotten your password.

In this case, please use the "Forgotten password" function, which will send you an automatically generated new password by e-mail. No member of staff is authorized to request your password from you by telephone or in writing. Therefore, please never give your password if you receive such requests.

Upon completion of the registration process, your data is stored for the use of the protected customer area. As soon as you log on to our website with your e-mail address as your username and password, this data is made available for actions you carry out on our website (e.g. for orders in our online shop). Completed online orders can be traced in the order history. You can enter changes to the billing or delivery address here.

Registered persons are free to make changes / corrections to the billing or delivery address in the order history themselves. Our customer service will also be happy to make changes / corrections if you contact them. Of course, you can also cancel or delete your registration or customer account. To do so, please contact: shop@murrelektronik.at.

Payment systems (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, b GDPR)

You can pay by invoice in our online shop. For this purpose, the payment-relevant data is collected to be able to process your order and payment. In addition, your IP address is processed due to technical necessity and for legal protection.

The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed. You only have to provide us with the data that we absolutely need to carry out the payment processing and thus process the contract or that we are legally obliged to collect.

Without this data, we will unfortunately have to refuse to conclude the contract, as we will then not be able to do so.

The payment system we use uses SSL encryption to protect the transmission of your data.

Advertising purposes for existing customers (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR)

Murrelektronik GmbH is interested in maintaining the customer relationship with you and in sending you information and offers about our products / services / offers. If you give us your consent to do so, we will process your data to send you corresponding information and offers by e-mail.

Of course, you can revoke your consent to the processing of your data for advertising purposes at any time in the future.

The revocation can be made free of charge and without any formalities without stating any reasons and should be sent, if possible, by e-mail to: info@murrelektronik.at or by post to Murrelektronik GmbH, Office Park 4, 4.OG/Top A.45, 1300 Wien-Flughafen, AUSTRIA.

We will also be happy to send you information and offers by post. If you do not wish this, you can object to the use of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing at any time. If you object, we will no longer process your data for this purpose. The objection can also be made free of charge and without any formalities without giving any reasons and should preferably be sent by e-mail to: info@murrelektronik.at or by post to Murrelektronik GmbH, Office Park 4, 4.OG/Top A.45, 1300 Wien-Flughafen, AUSTRIA.

Live Chat System

On our website, we offer you the option of entering a live chat with us. We use the service provider Salesforce for this.

The data processing is carried out here because it is necessary for the execution of the contract/contract initiation, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, or we have a legitimate interest in this, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the effective and direct support of our customers and interested parties. The data we collect includes: Chat history, IP address at the time of the chat and country of origin as well as all data that you disclose to us during the chat. If you do not disclose any personal details (e.g. real name, email address, telephone number, etc.) in the chat, we cannot draw any conclusions about your person. Only our employees have access to the data if they need it for the fulfilment of their tasks. We will not pass on this data to third parties and will only use it to answer your specific enquiry and anonymously for internal statistics. The data will be deleted or anonymized after the end of the specific process.

By using the chat, you automatically use the services of Salesforce. For the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Salesforce, as well as your rights in this regard and setting options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the privacy policy of Salesforce at https://www.salesforce.com/de/company/privacy/.

Recipient: Salesforce.com Germany GmbH, Erika-Mann-Str. 31, 80636 München, Deutschland

Automated individual case decisions

We do not use purely automated processing to reach a decision.

Cookies (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f and lit. c) i.V.m. Art. 32 GDPR, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR)

Our internet pages use so-called cookies in several places. They serve to make our offer more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and saved by your browser (locally on your hard drive).

These cookies allow us to analyze how users use our websites. This allows us to design the website content according to the visitors' needs. In addition, the cookies enable us to measure the effectiveness of a particular advertisement and to place it, for example, depending on the thematic interests of the user.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies". These are automatically deleted after your visit. Permanent cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when their validity period (usually six months) is reached or you delete them yourself before the validity period expires.

We only set cookies that are not technically necessary after you have given your express consent, which you can of course revoke at any time. You can change your cookie selection at any time under "Edit cookie settings".

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. However, you can usually change the settings of your browser if you prefer not to send the information. You can then still use the offers on our website without restrictions (exception: configurators).

In our cookie banner we distinguish the following cookies, which you can also select:


These technologies are used by advertisers to serve ads that are relevant to your interests.


These technologies allow us to analyze the use of the website in order to measure and improve performance.


These technologies are required to enable the core functionality of the website.

Edit cookie settings

User profiles / web tracking procedures

Google Analytics 4

This website uses Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc ("Google"). Google Analytics 4 uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how data subjects use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. 

IP anonymization is activated by default on Google Analytics 4. Therefore, your IP address will be shortened by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics  will not be merged with other data from Google. 

The data is automatically deleted after 14 months.

We also enabled Google Signals as part of Google Analytics. If you have agreed to personalized advertising in your Google account, this will update Google Analytics features (remarketing, advertising reports, interest and demographic reports, cross-device reports) and then include aggregated data from you.

We use Google Analytics 4 only after your consent according to Art. 6 (1) 1 lit. a GDPR.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link. The current link is: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

Recipient of the data: Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Edit cookie settings


Facebook Custom Audiences ("Meta Pixel")

This website uses the so-called “Meta Pixel” (formerly "Facebook Pixel") of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Meta Platforms Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you are a resident of the EU, Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Hereby, we try to obtain information to optimize our website and improve the visitor experience and, if necessary, present you with targeted advertising content via the Facebook platform. The legal basis is your consent, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

You can allow Meta and its partners to serve ads on and off Facebook. A cookie may be stored on your computer for these purposes. We use the Meta pixel to display the advertisements placed by us only to users who have also visited our website or have certain characteristics that we transmit to Meta. With the help of the Meta pixel, it is possible for Meta to determine our website visitors as the target group for the display of advertisements.

We collect and process the following data from your use of our service: IP address, time stamp, views. The data is stored for 7 days after which it is automatically anonymized. After 90 days, this data is deleted.

With the help of the Meta pixel, your behavior can be tracked across several pages after you have seen or clicked on a Facebook ad. This process is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and can help optimize future advertising measures.

A connection to Facebook Connect is established to access the meta pixel.

The processing of data by Meta takes place within the framework of the Meta data usage policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy. Specific information on the Meta Pixel and how it works can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/651294705016616.

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LinkedIn Insight Tag

This website uses the analytics and conversion tracking technology of LinkedIn Inc. ("LinkedIn"), LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. LinkedIn's aforementioned technology can be used to show you more relevant advertising based on your interests.

The legal basis is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

We receive aggregated and anonymous reports from LinkedIn of ad activity and information about how you interact with our site. However, LinkedIn is able to associate your visit to our site with your LinkedIn user account.

We have no influence on the data that LinkedIn collects through this, nor on the scope of this data collected by LinkedIn. We also have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted to LinkedIn.

Further information on data protection at LinkedIn can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy#choices-oblig

You can object to the analysis of your usage behavior by LinkedIn as well as the display of interest-based recommendations ("Opt-Out"); to do so, click on the field "Refuse on LinkedIn" (for LinkedIn members) or "Refuse" (for other users) at https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/guest-controls/retargeting-opt-out.

Recipient of the data: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland

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LinkedIn Ads / LinkedIn Analytics

We use "LinkedIn Ads" on our website, a service of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as: "LinkedIn"). LinkedIn Ads stores and processes information about your user behavior on our website. For this purpose, LinkedIn Ads uses, among other things, cookies, i.e. small text files that are stored locally in the cache of your web browser on your end device and that enable an analysis of your use of our website.

We use LinkedIn Ads for marketing and optimization purposes, in particular to analyze the use of our website and to continuously improve individual functions and offers as well as the user experience. Through the statistical evaluation of user behavior, we can improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. The legal basis is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

You can prevent the installation of cookies by deleting existing cookies and deactivating the storage of cookies in the settings of your web browser. We would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website to their full extent. You can also prevent the collection of the aforementioned information by LinkedIn by setting an opt-out cookie on one of the websites linked below:

Please note that this setting will be deleted when you delete your cookies. You can object to the collection and forwarding of personal data or prevent the processing of this data by deactivating the execution of Java Script in your browser. In addition, you can prevent the execution of Java Script code altogether by installing a Java Script blocker. Please note that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website to their full extent.

Third-party information: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. You can find further information on the data protection of the third-party provider on the following website: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Recipient of the data: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland


YouTube video embedded via iFrame in enhanced privacy mode

We use YouTube, a service from Google, to show you video content. To protect your privacy, we have activated the extended data protection mode.

YouTube also uses cookies to collect information about visitors to its website. Among other things, YouTube uses them to collect video statistics, to prevent fraud and to improve user-friendliness. Calling up a video usually also leads to a connection with the Google DoubleClick network. When you start the video, this could trigger further data processing operations, especially if you are already logged into YouTube. We have no influence on this.

By pressing the start button on the video, you consent to the transmission of data to Google LLC:

For more information about data protection at YouTube, please see their privacy policy (http://www.youtube.com/t/privacy_at_youtube).

Recipient of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Google Tag Manager

This website uses the Google Tag Manager. Through this service, website tags can be managed via an interface. The Google Tag Manager only implements tags. This means that no cookies are used and no personal data is collected. The Google Tag Manager triggers other tags, which in turn may collect data. However, the Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If a deactivation has been made at domain or cookie level, it remains in place for all tracking tags, insofar as these are implemented with the Google Tag Manager. Furthermore, we use the server-side Google Tag Manager on our local server.


GA Audiences

This website uses GA Audiences, a web analytics service provided by Google, collects and stores data from which user profiles are created using pseudonyms. Through this technology, users who have already visited our websites and online services will see targeted advertising from us on other external sites of the Google Partner Network. For this purpose, a cookie is set on your computer to analyze user behavior when visiting the website and can then be used for targeted product recommendations and interest-based advertising. By setting the cookie, no personal data is stored and processed. If you do not wish to receive interest-based advertising, you can disable Google's use of cookies for these purposes by following the instructions on https://www.google.de/settings/ads/onweb#display_optout.

Recipient of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Double Click

Our website uses the functions of Google Analytics Remarketing in conjunction with the cross-device functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

This function makes it possible to link the advertising target groups created with Google Analytics Remarketing with the cross-device functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick. In this way, interest-based, personalized advertising messages that have been adapted to you depending on your previous usage and surfing behavior on one end device (e.g. mobile phone) can also be displayed on another of your end devices (e.g. tablet or PC).

If you have given your consent, Google will link your web and app browsing history to your Google Account for this purpose. In this way, the same personalized advertising messages can be displayed on every device on which you log in with your Google account.

To support this feature, Google Analytics collects google-authenticated ID's of users which are temporarily linked to our Google Analytics data to define and create target groups for cross-device ad advertising.

You can permanently object to cross-device remarketing/targeting by deactivating personalized advertising in your Google account; follow this link: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/onweb/

Further information and the data protection provisions regarding advertising and Google can be viewed here:http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/ads/

Recipient of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Google Ads

Our website uses the 'Google Ads' service, which enables marketers to place ads in the Google search results lists and also in the Google advertising network. This is done on the basis of pre-defined keywords, by means of which an ad is only displayed in the hit lists if a keyword-relevant search is carried out.

The purpose of Google Ads is to promote our website by displaying relevant advertisements on third party websites, in Google search results lists and by displaying relevant third party advertisements within our website.

By clicking on a corresponding Google ad that links to our website, Google sets a cookie. The cookie enables both us and Google to track whether you have accessed our website via an ad and generated sales.

The data obtained in this way is used by Google to compile statistics (e.g. total number of users referred via Google Ads, success of our Ads campaign) for our website. Neither we nor other Google Ads advertisers receive information from Google that could identify you.

However, personal information, such as the websites you visit, is stored by means of the cookie. Google may pass this data on to third parties.

You can object to interest-based advertising by Google at any time by accessing the following opt-out link: https://adssettings.google.com/.

Recipients of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Google AdSense

This website uses Google AdSense, an advertising integration service provided by Google.

Google AdSense uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. Google AdSense also uses so-called web beacons (invisible graphics). Through these web beacons, information such as visitor traffic on these pages can be analyzed.

The information generated by cookies and web beacons about the use of this website (including your IP address) and the delivery of advertising formats is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. This information may be passed on by Google to contractual partners of Google. However, Google will not merge your IP address with other data stored by you.

The legal basis is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

You may also refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

Recipients of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Google Dynamic Remarketing

On our website, we use the remarketing or "similar target groups" function of Google. This function serves the purpose of analyzing visitor behavior and visitor interests. Google uses cookies to
carry out the analysis of website usage, which forms the basis for the creation of interest-based advertisements. The cookies are used to record visits to the website as well as anonymized data on the use of the website. No personal data of visitors to the website is stored. If you subsequently visit another website in the Google Display Network, you will be shown advertisements that are highly likely to take into account previously accessed product and information areas.

The purpose of Google Dynamic Remarketing is to target website visitors with advertising by displaying personalized, interest-based ads to visitors of the provider's website when they visit other websites in the Google Display Network.

You can find more information on Google Remarketing and the associated data protection statement at: https://www.google.com/privacy/ads/

Recipient of the data: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland


Microsoft Advertising

On our website, data is collected and stored using Microsoft Advertising technologies, from which usage profiles are created using pseudonyms.

This service allows us to track the activity of users on our website when they have arrived on our website via ads from Microsoft Advertising. If you arrive on our website via such an ad, a cookie is set on your computer. A Microsoft UET tag is integrated on our website. This is a code that, in conjunction with the cookie, stores some non-personal information about your use of the website. This includes, among other things, the length of time spent on the website, which areas of the website were accessed and via which advertisement the users arrived at the website.

Information about your identity is not collected. The information collected is transferred to Microsoft servers in the USA and stored there for a maximum of 180 days.

Recipient of the data: Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Irland

You can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website, as well as the processing of this data, by deactivating the setting of cookies. This may limit the functionality of the website under certain circumstances. In addition, Microsoft may be able to track your usage behavior across multiple electronic devices through cross-device tracking, which enables Microsoft to display personalised ads on or within Microsoft websites and apps. You can disable this behavior at http://choice.microsoft.com/en-en/opt-out.

For more information about Microsoft's analytics services, please visit the Microsoft Advertising website (https://help.ads.microsoft.com/#apex/3/en/53056/2).

You can find more information about data protection at Microsoft in the Microsoft data protection regulations (https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement).

You can object to the collection by Microsoft Advertising and use of your data for the display of advertisements under this link.


Pardot Marketing Automation System

We use the Pardot Marketing Automation System ("Pardot MAS") of Pardot LLC, 950 E. Paces Ferry Rd. Suite 3300 Atlanta, GA 30326, USA ("Pardot") on our websites. Pardot is a special software for recording and evaluating the use of a website by website visitors to optimize our website. Insofar as Pardot LLC processes personal data, the processing is carried out exclusively on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. We have ensured Pardot LLC's compliance with the EU Data Protection Regulation via an individual agreement with Pardot LLC. When you visit our website, Pardot MAS records your click path and uses it to create an individual usage profile using a pseudonym. Cookies are used for this purpose, which enable your browser to be recognized. By agreeing to the use of cookies when using our website for the first time by confirming the so-called cookie acceptance banner, you also agree to the use of cookies by Pardot. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future: Edit cookie settings

Recipient: Pardot LLC, 950 E. Paces Ferry Rd. Suite 3300 Atlanta, GA 30326, USA


Matomo without cookies

On this website, certain user information is collected and stored using the web analytics software Matomo (www.matomo.org), a service provided by InnoCraft Ltd, 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand ("Matomo"). From this information, pseudonymized usage profiles can be created and evaluated.

Using Matomo, the following data is collected and stored under a user ID (config_id):

  • Two bytes of the IP address of the calling system of the user
  • Website visited, date and time of the visit
  • Website from which the user has reached the visited website (referrer)
  • Subpages and external pages accessed as well as downloaded content
  • Time spent on the website and loading times of the pages displayed
  • Frequency with which the website is visited
  • Screen resolution, browser language and browser type
  • System time and approximate location (country, region, city, longitude/latitude)

The information collected using Matomo technology is processed exclusively on our servers in Germany. The data is not passed on to Matomo or other third parties.

This website uses Matomo exclusively without the use of cookies, which means that Matomo does not set cookies on your terminal device at any time.

Matomo recognizes returning users with the help of a so-called config_id. This is a random string of characters that is calculated using the first 2 bytes of the IP address, as well as the browser plugins, the operating system and the selected browser language of the user and then hashed. The ID is deleted and recreated after 24 hours, so that the user cannot be recognized by the website on subsequent visits.

Matomo is set in such a way that the IP addresses are not stored in detail, 2 bytes of the IP address are masked (e.g.: 192.168.xxx.xxx). In this way, it is no longer possible to assign the shortened IP address to the calling device.

If you do not agree to the storage and evaluation of the information from your visit, you can object to the storage and use for the future at any time by clicking the button. In this case, a so-called opt-out cookie will be stored in your browser, with the consequence that Matomo will not collect any session data. Please note that if you delete your cookies completely, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted and you may have to reactivate it.

Deactivate Matomo

The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 I 1 f) GDPR, whereby the authorization of the processing arises to protect the legitimate interests of Murrelektronik in the evaluation of the website data for the purposes of its optimization.


Usercentrics Consent Management Platform

We use the consent management service Usercentrics Consent Management Platform on our website. This is a service provided by Usercentrics GmbH, Sendlinger Str. 7, 80331 Munich.

Via cookies and pixels, which are placed in the browser, the following data is processed: Opt-in and opt-out data, referrer URL, user agent, user settings, consent ID, time of consent, consent type, template version, banner language.

The purpose of the data processing is to obtain, manage and document user consent to cookies and tools used on our website and to inform the user about this.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit c) DSGVO.

Recipient: Usercentrics GmbH, Sendlinger Str. 7, 80331 Munich, Germany.

You can read more information about data protection at Usercentrics GmbH here: https://usercentrics.com/privacy-policy/

Social Media – Fan pages

General information

We would like to point out that our fanpages in the social networks are merely another of various options for contacting us or receiving information from us. Alternatively, the information offered via our fanpages can also be accessed on our website, for example.

Supplementary information on the individual social networks can be found in the following paragraphs.

Categories of data subjects:

Visitors to our fanpage who are registered on the social network as well as those who are not registered.

We point out to the data subjects that they use the respective social network and its functions on their own responsibility. This applies in particular to the use of the interactive functions (e.g. sharing, rating).

Categories of personal data:

  • Data that we process from registered visitors toour fanpage:

    User ID or user name under which you are registered, released profile data (e.g. name, profession, addresses, contact details, possibly also special categories of personal data such as religious affiliation, health data, etc.), data that arise when sharing content, exchanging messages and communicating, data that are required in the context of initiating or performing a contract at the request of registered visitors.); otherwise, we only process pseudonymised data such as statistics and insights into how people interact with our fanpage, the posts, pages, videos and other content provided (page activities, page views, "likes", reach, general demographic, location and interest-related information on age, gender, country, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our advertisements.

    The pseudonymised data cannot be merged by us with the corresponding assignment feature (e.g. name details). This means that it is not possible for us to identify individual visitors, who therefore remain anonymous for us.
  • Data we process from non-registered visitors toour fanpage:

    Pseudonymised data such as statistics and insights into how people interact with our fan page, the posts, pages, videos and other content provided via it (page activity, page views, "like" votes, reach, general demographic, location and interest-related information on age, gender, country, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our advertisements.

    The pseudonymised data cannot be merged by us with the corresponding assignment feature (e.g. name details). This means that it is not possible for us to identify individual visitors, who therefore remain anonymous for us.

Origin of the data

We receive the data from the data subjects directly or from the platform operator.

Legal basis of the data processing

We process the data on the following legal basis:

  • Art. 6 (1) 1 lit. a GDPR: Consent of the data subjects
  • Art. 6 (1) 1 lit. b GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.
  • Art. 6 (1) 1 lit. f GDPR: Legitimate interest

- Simplification of communication and data exchange, in that the existing communication channels, such as website, press releases, print products and events, are usefully supplemented by the fanpage.

- Promoting sales of our products and services or demand, as well as recruiting young talents through transparent conduct and regular contributions.

- Optimisation of our fanpage

We process special categories of personal data, if at all, only on the following legal basis:

  • Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR: Consent of the data subject

Art. 9 (2) lit. e GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

Purposes of data processing

The data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • External presentation and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange
  • Event Management
  • Contract initiation and execution

Categories of recipients, transfer to third countries

Only our employees and service providers who manage our fanpage and require the data for the above-mentioned purposes have access to the data we process. If the data subjects post their data publicly on our fanpage, it can be accessed by other registered and possibly also non-registered visitors. Also from third countries.

Rights of the data subjects

Data subjects have various rights with regard to the processing of their data, which they can assert directly against the platform operator on the basis of the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. More detailed information on the rights of the data subjects can be found in this Privacy Policy.

In addition, data subjects generally have the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making pursuant to Art. 22 (1) GDPR. Insofar as such an automated individual decision is permissible pursuant to Art. 22 (2) lit. a to c GDPR, data subjects are granted the following rights pursuant to Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express one's point of view, the right to object to a person's intervention on the part of the controller, the right to challenge the automated individual decision (right contest the decision).

Further information on social networks and how data subjects can protect their data can also be found here: https://www.youngdata.de/.


Facebook and Instagram

Social network:    

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ 

Controller with whom our LinkedIn account ('Fanpage') is jointly operated ('Platform Operator'):    

Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2 Ireland

In an agreement pursuant to Art. 26 (1) GDPR, it was determined between the joint controllers who fulfils which obligation pursuant to the GDPR    

The agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR can be found at the following link:
The platform operator makes the essential contents of this agreement available to the data subjects. We have no influence on whether or how the platform operator actually uses data (purpose, storage, deletion, disclosure, transmission, profiling). We also have no effective control options in this respect.

Contact details for data protection:

The platform operator's data protection officer can be contacted using the following web form:  https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/540977946302970

Legal basis of the data processing

The legal bases on which the platform operator bases the data processing can be found here:

Data transfers to third countries
The platform operator will transfer the data to the United States, Ireland and any other country in which Google does business and store and otherwise process it there, regardless of the residence of the data subjects. Associated data transfers to third countries are secured by an adequacy decision of the EU Commission pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR or by appropriate safeguards pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR:


Further information

Further information, in particular on the categories of personal data, the origin of the data, the storage period, the purposes of the data processing and the categories of recipients, can be found here:




Supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator (Art. 77 GDPR)    Data Protection Commission
21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland
Web address: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us 



Social network:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ 

Controller with whom the Fanpage is jointly operated ('platform operator'):

Google Ireland Ltd.

Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4

Contact details for data protection:

The platform operator's data protection officer can be contacted using the following web form: https://support.google.com/policies/contact/general_privacy_form

Legal basis of the data processing

The legal bases on which the platform operator bases the data processing can be found here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en&gl=de 

Data transfers to third countries

The platform operator will transfer the data to the United States, Ireland and any other country in which Google does business and store and otherwise process it there, regardless of the residence of the data subjects. Associated data transfers to third countries are secured by an adequacy decision of the EU Commission pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR or by appropriate safeguards pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR: https://policies.google.com/privacy/update?hl=de&gl=de 

Further information

Further information, in particular on the categories of personal data, the origin of the data, the storage period, the purposes of the data processing and the categories of recipients, can be found here: https://policies.google.com/privacy/update?hl=de&gl=de

Supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator (Art. 77 GDPR)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland

Web address: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us 



Social network:

LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/ 

Controller with whom our LinkedIn account ('Fanpage') is jointly operated ('Platform Operator'):

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Wilton Place

Dublin 2


In an agreement pursuant to Art. 26 (1) GDPR, it was determined between the joint controllers who fulfils which obligation pursuant to the GDPR

The agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR can be found at the following link: https://legal.linkedin.com/pages-joint-controller-addendum

The platform operator makes the essential contents of this agreement available to the data subjects. We have no influence on whether or how the platform operator actually uses data (purpose, storage, deletion, disclosure, transmission, profiling). We also have no effective control options in this respect.

Contact details for data protection:

You can contact the platform operator's data protection officer using the following web form https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/TSO-DPO?lang=en

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors toour fanpage:

Shared profile data (ProFinder profile data, education, work experience, salary expectations, photo, location data, skills and knowledge confirmations, professional achievements (e.g. patent granting, professional recognition, projects)), other data and content freely published, provided, disseminated, posted or uploaded by the data subjects on LinkedIn or via their LinkedIn account.

Legal basis of the data processing

The legal bases on which the platform operator bases the data processing can be found here: www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Data transfers to third countries

The platform operator will transfer the data to the United States, Ireland and any other country in which the platform operator does business and store and otherwise process the data there, regardless of the residence of the data subjects.

Associated data transfers to third countries are secured by an adequacy decision of the EU Commission pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR or by appropriate safeguards pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/62533?lang=en 

Further information

Further information, in particular on the categories of personal data, the origin of the data, the storage period, the purposes of the data processing and the categories of recipients, can be found in the following links:



-> Information on the available personalisation and data protection setting options can be found here (with further references): https://privacy.linkedin.com/de-de/faq 

Supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator (Art. 77 GDPR)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland

Web address: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us 

Online services for children

Persons under the age of 16 may not submit personal data to us or give consent without the consent of a parent or guardian. We encourage parents and guardians to actively participate in their children's online activities and interests.


Last updated: December 2023

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